
The primary goal of the company KOSKINAS SA is the manufacture of products and the provision of high-quality services in accordance with National - International standards or specifications and regulatory requirements. The company's commitment is the strict observance of the hygiene and safety rules of its employees and the protection of the environment. To achieve the above the company applies the following systems:
Quality Management System
KOSKINAS SA implements a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the standard EN ISO 9001: 2015. The scope of the system concerns the design, production, marketing, and distribution of metal structures and metal processing.
The organization of all the departments of KOSKINAS SA is achieved through the Quality Management System.
The implementation of the SDP aims to satisfy all stakeholders (management - employees - customers - suppliers).
The quality system contributes to the development course of KOSKINAS SA based on the main and supporting processes of the company as well as structured processes of continuous improvement.
Health Management System
For the observance of the Health and Safety rules of its staff, KOSKINAS SA developed and implements an integrated Health Management system.
KOSKINAS SA, considering that its most important asset is its human resources, applies in its productive activity the management system of health and safety at work in accordance with the requirements of the OHSAS 18001 standard.
The company's Health and Safety Policy (YAE) Policy is determined by the Management and is based on the consent, cooperation, and participation of all its staff.
The Company Policy ensures its special care for a safe working environment of its employees and in general of all the traders in its facilities.
Environmental Management System
For the protection of the environment, KOSKINAS SA developed and implements an integrated Environmental Management System in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001: 2015 standard.The scope concerns the design, production, marketing, and distribution of metal structures and metal processing.
KOSKINAS SA ensures that its activity has the least possible impact on the environment and the consumption of natural energy resources.
Aiming to improve its environmental footprint and minimize the use of natural resources in the production and operational process, it complies with the applicable laws and regulations governing consumption and energy performance, uses environmentally friendly technologies constantly updating its equipment, controls the consumption of raw materials and energy, recycles materials resulting from its activity, selects suppliers who are committed to the energy footprint of the goods and services they offer (if possible), raises awareness of employees by providing appropriate information and training.
Production Control System
All constructions of KOSKINAS SA that fall under the Construction Products Regulation (305/2011 / EC) bear the CE mark. The CE marking allows the product to be legally placed on the market in the Member States of the European Union.
In order for these products to bear the CE marking, a production control has been carried out by the notified body EVETAM SA. according to the requirements of standard EN 1090 1: 2009 A1: 2011.
The certification concerns the production of steel elements up to class EXC3 according to the standard EN 1090 2: 2008 A1: 2011.